This homepage is a virtual chronicle of the Analytic Beer seminar, which came into
existence in the Fall 1986 as a direct continuation of activities of the amateur theater
group "Lipany" (1983-1985), whose members, Jirka Hrdina, Ales Nekvinda, Lubos
Pick, Mirko Rokyta and Honza Rehacek, form the primary audience of the seminar. The
purpose for establishing this seminar was two-fold: to provide a vent for mathematical
interests of its members and to serve as a pretext for informal gatherings. The main
source for this page is the legendary "Analytic Beer Notebook" that was lost in
early 90s and found again in 1995.
A standard format of the seminar, which is almost always held in a given pub, is the
following: at the beginning, the designated chairman gives a lecture that is sometimes
followed by co-lectures and a discussion. As the beer count increases, the discussion
becomes less and less profound and consequently more and more understandable to a
general public, ending usually in a mere chat or, on occasion, in unintelligible
babble. In this English rendering of the "AB
Chronicles", we present a list of all the seminars (in the format:
seminar - date -
motto ), plus a list of supplements with links to their images. More detailed
information about the seminar can be found on the
Analytic Beer MAIN PAGE (this
page is in Czech!)
Warning: Before you enter the main page, count to ten. If you can't, don't enter, since
the proceedings contain numerous mathematical expressions that may be hazardous to your
mental well-being.
Analytic Beer seminars (AWAY)
- 1. Relocated Analytic Beer seminar (Snezna,
CZ, 27.2.-1.3.1987) He who goes for salt gets the beer.
- 2. Relocated Analytic Beer seminar (Snezna,
CZ, 11.-13.3.1988) Long live Anna-Lisa
- 3. Relocated Analytic Beer seminar (Snezna,
CZ, 31.3.-2.4.1989) I'm a plowman and I am plowing here...
- 4. Relocated Analytic Beer seminar (Lesovice
u Manetina, CZ, 1.-1.3.1991) -
- 5. Relocated Analytic Beer seminar (St.
Catharines, Toronto, ON, 25.-27.10.1996) What is murmuring here so sadly?
- 6. Relocated Analytic Beer seminar (Minneapolis,
St. Paul, MN, 13.-15.6.1997) We fear no beer.
- 7. Relocated Analytic Beer seminar (Lake
Placid, NY 19.-21.3.1999) Shoot, Stetinac, shoot!
- 8. Relocated Analytic Beer seminar
(Radvanec, CZ, 2.7.-6.7. 2010) Hundred beers and something to drink
- Extra Relocated Analytic Beer seminar
(St.Louis, MO, 16.4-18.4. 2004) So here we are with those bullets!
Analytic Beer seminars (HOME)
AB - Away
- AB/02 (a
picture of Anna-Lisa, a bill from "Kyjovske udoli")
- AB/05 (a bill
from "Vlasticka", postcard, pictures)
- AB/06 (pictures
from Minnesota)
- AB/07 (pictures
from Lake Placid)
- AB/08
Pictures from Radvanec (part I.)
- AB/08
Pictures from Radvanec (part II.)
- AB/Extra Pictures from Saint Louis
AB - Home
- AB001 (an
authentic invitation to the 2. AB)
- AB018 (a bill
from "Blatnicka" wine house)
- AB045 (an
attendance table after 45 Analytic Beers)
- AB063 (a
picture from the pub)
- AB065 (a bill)
- AB066 (a
photo, a bill and a posctcard to JH)
- AB067 (3 pics)
- AB069 (a bill,
"Konba zijby" - whatever that is)
- AB087 Pictures from the pub
Abstracts of talks
Guests of Analytic Beer
- ASTICKA, dog (68)
- GOGATISHVILI Amiran (105)
- JANECKOVA Halina (18,34)
- KERMAN Ron (70)
- KLIMCIK Ctirad (9,10,11)
- KOTAL Jiri (2)
- LANG Jan (68,69,76,79)
- OPOVA Ladislava (83)
- PATAPOOF, dog (68)
- PICKOVA Adela (114)
- PICKOVA Pavla (76,78,79,100,114)
- RAKOSNIK Jiri (76)
- REX, dog (67)
- ROKYTA Martin (86,96,97)
- ROKYTOVA Marketa (66,67,86,96,97)
- ROKYTOVA Katerina (86,96,97,114)
- RUZICKA Michael (74)
- SARA, dog (82)
- SCHUTZ Tomas (75)
- THOMAS Robin (9,81)
- TOMICZEK Petr (107,112,114,116)
- TOMICZKOVA Svetlana (107,112,114,116)
- VANECEK Stanislav (72,79,83,88)
- VAVRA Jaroslav (111,116)
- WALDMANOVA Olga (5,116)
- ZAHRADNIK Vasek (67)
- ZIVNA Blanka (65,83,86,105)
- ZIVNY Marek (83,86)
- ZIVNY Michal (86)
- ..about 30 participants of a mathematical conference (77)
- ..animals in the Brno ZOO (71)
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