Rok 2000. Pri pohledu na kalendar by si clovek pomyslel, ze se probudil do budoucnosti. Lec staci zalovit ve stusku novin a hned se dostavi uklidnujici pocit, ze to s tou budoucnosti zase nebude tak horke. Nasi politici jako dobre vychovane planety obihaji kolem opozicni smlouvy a misto, aby nasi zemi popohaneli smerem k otevrene spolecnosti plne vyuzivajici vyhod vyspelych technologii a informacni superdalnice, kuchti v politickem zakulisi sve stranicke polivky uvarene podle receptu z let pani Magdaleny Dobromily. A tak jsme zalozili Internetovou stranu.
(v Praze 1.1. 2000)

Co je nasim cilem ?

Cilem Internetove strany je vyuziti tvurciho a myslenkoveho potencialu statisicu uzivatelu Internetu rozsetych po cele zemekouli k vytvoreni (a pripadne prosazeni) politickeho programu zamereneho na zvyseni osobni odpovednosti politiku vuci obcanum, k nasemu hladkemu vstupu do civilizovaneho sveta, tedy konkretne do EU, a k vytvoreni ucinne kontroly statni moci.

Dulezitym bodem naseho snazeni je decentralizace politiky, tj. prenos velke jeji casti na regionalni uroven a jeji zpruhledneni ve smyslu moznosti prime verejne kontroly. Je tristni, kdyz ti, kteri mrhaji statnimi prostredky nejen, ze nejsou za sve preciny potrestani, ale jsou za tuto cinnost jeste casto lukrativne odmenovani. Napravu tohoto stavu si nepredstavujeme odvolanim jedne skupiny politiku a jejich nahrazenim skupinou jinou, v principu stejne zkorumpovatelnou, ale vyladenim politickeho systemu na uroven, ktera bude podvodne jednani minimalizovat.

Cim je pro nas Internet?

Politici o Internetu

Al Gore - Vice President of the USA
With 140 million users now around the world and 52,000 more Americans logging on for the first time every single day, the Internet is remaking the way we live, the way we learn, the way we work. More messages are now sent by e-mail than by regular mail. And what began as a specialized network for computer scientists has become a global nervous system for the entire world.
(remarks at Electronic Commerce Event - 30.11.98)

Tony Blair - British Prime Minister
We need to face up to a new challenge - the challenge of new information technologies. To succeed we have to be quick on our feet. We have to embrace the Internet now - not in a few years time. Most of all, if we are to succeed, knowledge and how we use it need to be at the heart of all that we do.
(speech at Cambridge - 13.09.99)

Vaclav Klaus - predseda poslanecke snemovny
K Internetu mam vztah jako ke kazde technicke novince. Rozsiruje nase obzory, ale nelibi se mi jeho modni fetisizace.
(Blesk Extra - 22.11.99)

Bill Clinton - President of the USA
This very conference is being broadcast live over the Internet to people all over the world. But a lot of the people you're trying to reach don't have a computer, can't afford the hook-up. We have worked very hard, under the Vice President's leadership, to get something called the e-rate as a part of reform of the telecommunications system, which gives a couple of billion dollars in subsidies to schools and libraries around the country that are in low-income areas, so everybody can afford to be hooked up.
(remarks at Wall Street Project Luncheon - 13.01.00)

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