Mt Wrightson

12 mile hike to Mt Wrightson via Old Baldy trail
(elevation gain 4122 ft / 1237 m)

(a short connector from the Madera Canyon upper parking lot to Old Baldy trail)

(observatory at Mt Hopkins - still towering high above the trail)

(the first leg of Old Baldy ends at the Josephine saddle at around 7,000 ft)

(the second leg ends at the Baldy saddle - around 8,800 ft...)

(...from there you can spot the peak and get ready for the final climb)

(the peak - at 9453 ft / 2881 m)

(observatory at Mt Hopkins again - this time from a higher ground)

(this is what happens to rain in Arizona - it evaporates before it reaches ground)

(view to the south - the mountains on the horizon are in Mexico)

(after we briefly inspected local flora, we started our journey back)

(returning to the Baldy saddle)

(from the Josephine saddle we took longer but less steep Supertrail in order to give our knees a break)

(in summer this can be a life saver)

(final view of Mt Wrightson - on the right - just before we got back to the parking lot)

(we started at 10am and got back just in time for sunset - around 5pm)

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