Nelson Rock Preserve (July 8th, 2006: with Louka)

An entrance to the Via Ferrata (rock climbing for dummies)

At the foot of the climb

Louka on the wall.

Global view of the first vertical passage.

Vertical view.

A narrow ledge between the first and second vertical climbs.

The unofficial resting position.

Soon we were followed by another pair of climbers...

...who stayed behind us the whole journey.

The most difficult part of the Via Ferrata.

Louka on the suspended bridge.

Detail of the suspended bridge.

The suspended bridge from above.

Louka on the wall above the bridge.

A sheer wall leading to the overlook.

The view from the overlook high above the bridge.

Louka at the overlook.

Me at the overlook.

Louka in one of the easier stretches.

Louka demonstrating leapfrogging. Clipping to the next stretch of the cable.

At the summit.

Chatting with the pair from Baltimore.

Runaway Louka.

With all that gear I was able to climb my car.

feedback: trumpeta8 at yahoo

Absurdistan (root) : Banbury Cross (blog) : Camera Basket (main)