What's old in Absurdistan?

Well, just about everything. But before we take a look at it, here are two historical sites, showing how Absurdistan looked like in the past (since I wanted to preserve just the outer look of these older versions, the links inside of them may be dead).

Absurdistan (March 1996) (old address = http://www.math.gatech.edu/~rehacek)
Absurdistan (October 2000) (old address = http://www.trail.com/~honza)

...and now the brief history of Absurdistan

May 95

Nothing's old yet...

June 95

ABSURDISTAN discovered

August 95

CIMRMAN'S, CZECH, MATH and WEIRD COUNTIES explored. They will become old in a few months.

September 95

RIO BIO, EJSI and FAKE LAKE discovered. They might last new for a few weeks, but soon will become old too. Sorry.

October 95

INFO JUNGLE discovered. Due to incredible growth of WWW, Info Jungle was old already two weeks ago. Facts about Absurdistan and a map were added to the main page.

December 95

PINK MOUNTAIN was found. It looks pretty old already too.

March 96

UNIVERSITY OF ABSURDISTAN got its home page. It should be old at the beginning of a new quarter.

June 96


July 96

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION and WORSE BUSINESS BUREAU were founded. They'll become old at the beginning of the new fiscal year.

September 96

Absurdistan's Embassy moved from "math.gatech.edu" to "trail.com".

October 96

PROJECTS RW and UVGN started. They should stay new at least until the beginning of 97.

November 96

HIC SUNT LEONES rebuilt, counter set up.

December 96

A message from aliens added to Weird County. Main page rebuilt. A flag of Absurdistan added to "facts".

January 97

An English mirror of the Analytic Beer homepage linked to Math County. It was old already.

April 97

Finally! Just about everything seems to be pretty old. I wonder how long it will last.

July 97

LA FIONCO added. It's been on the map for some time, so it is old effective immediately. I also added a dictionary of military slang to Czech County (only for those lucky few that speak that funny language).

November 97

ABSURDISTAN ADULT AREA built. It'll be old soon.

September 98

Newspaper "ABSURDISTAN TIMES NINE" added. They don't publish new stuff so it is old by definition.

July 99

"Highlights of Cimrman's life" added to Cimrman's County. The English Pavilion added to the Project RW page.

October 99

Embarrassy of the US opened its hotline. ANIMAL PERSONALS appended to the Absurdistan Times Nine.

November 00

Absurdistan moved to a new domain: hradec.org

October 01

New capital discovered: WEST HRADEC

June 02

The front page lightly remodeled.

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