Area: 31,415.92 sq miles
Maritime claims: a bucket of salt water 230 miles south of Hawaii
International disputes: demands federation with Venezuela
Terrain: mostly flat (the highest peak is Local Extremum in the Math County)
Land use:
arable land.....8.2%
built areas.....13.3%
city dumps......18.4%
giant stadiums.22.9%
If the reader took the pain to add the above up (and is puzzled by the total) we must caution him/her/it that in Absurdistan the total always adds up to 96.7%
Natural Resources: coal, iron ore, tooth brushes...
Climate: extremely humid, continuous rainfall (except on Holidays)
Population: varies with season
Cities over 50,000: Ejsi, New Yarka Metelka, Codimension, Kocourkov, Pierre de Fair, Praha, Hradec Kralove, North Pole and Jarov.
Life expectancy at birth: 532 years (never reached in practice, though)
Ethnic division: Absurds(53%), Weirdos (20%), Extraterrestrials(11%), Dolphins(10%), Others(2.7%)
Languages: Czech, English, Norwegian, Pascal, Cobol, Blabol
Literacy: Li-What?
National sport: Slug races
Form: The Absurd Party is in full control of the capital. All the bills proposed by it are automatically passed. The Senate convenes only on Saturdays as a marching band for the football team. Away from Ejsi the form of government is looser, and close to the border approaches anarchy.
Official name of the country: United Counties of Absurdistan
Capital: Ejsi, DC
Constitution: hidden in a secret place in Ejsi, DC.
Administrative division: so far four counties were discovered: Math, Czech, Cimrman's and Weird.
Legal system: civil law based on a random coin toss
Police force: mostly secret (beware of suspiciously looking trees)
National Holiday: September 9 - The National Secret Soap Day
Political parties and organizations: The Absurd Party, The Bug In Sect, Cimrman's Revival Band
Inflation rate: 0.000000000000000000000000000001%
Currency: 1 AF (absurd frank) = 99 ch (chechtakos)
Financial system: based on Rain Czechs
Main import articles: bottled drought, fish food, umbrellas, raincoats
Main export articles: strawberries, light bulbs, electronics, blondes
International debts: $9.95 to the Czech Republic for using its shape
Industry: mining equipment, mole socks, blonde parts, nutcrackers
Agriculture: strawberries, weasel farms, happy cows
Transportation: mainly horse carriages, bicycles, blimps and submarines
Defense forces: Absurdistan is surrounded by lions. That keeps all the possible intruders away.
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